Innovative products and services have always been the motor of progress and growth. Just a few decades ago, customers had only a small share of their development and optimization, which has changed significantly, not least due to the increasing blurring of the border between product and service. The increasing transparency of markets and the process integration of customers also confront the pricing with new challenges.
CUSTORs product and price research supports your development of marketable product and service concepts with a broad range of methods.
- Depending on the type of product or service to be developed or optimized, CUSTOR has a suitable toolbox and specialists to achieve the best results for your company.
- This method selection and competence ensures you the highest cost efficiency: You gain insights into the optimal product or service design with high marketability and thus a high ROI for your investment.
- The products or services developed or optimized in this way meet your customers’ needs. This creates added value for your customers and therefore as well for your company.
In order to be able to optimally support you in your task, contacting CUSTOR at the earliest possible stage of the project is expedient. After all, the methodological approaches to be used must be selected and customer tailored to the problem and the insight interest of the client. Possible methods can be:
- Qualitative methods that identify the widest possible range of needs, attitudes, preferences, aversions and barriers of the customer in terms of psychological representativeness.
- Feature-focused methods such as conjoint measurement, which allow you to determine the preference of customers (groups) for specific feature bundles under realistic trade-off conditions. Thus, products and services that have a strong sales potential due to their high relevance to customers’ needs can be developed or optimized.
- Customer-need-focused methods such as Service Design (Thinking) approaches developed in close co-creation with end customers.
In determining the optimum price, the spectrum ranges from simple methods, such as e.g. the Price Sensitivity Meter from van Westendorp up to an extensive Value Pricing.
The survey method is based on the procedure used (→ Possible contents), ranging from face-to-face in-depth interviews to cost-effective online surveys.
The sample size is also directly related to the task and the approach used; general statements cannot be made in this respect.
CUSTOR’s core services include
- methodological consultation, study design and project management
- selection of a suitable research approach
- questionnaire / guideline development, programming (quantitative) and pretest
- computer-aided data analysis
- development / optimization of (customer segment specific) products / services with corresponding price structure
- chart report (about 30 pages) with management summary and description of the products / services
Moreover, in the subsequent implementation, a number of further services, such as sales trainings or accompaniment of change processes, can be provided.