Satisfied customers are not automatically loyal customers, but customer satisfaction is the most important requirement for your customers’ loyalty.
The customer survey clearly shows how satisfied your customers really are, which requirements they generally have for the business relationship with a company in your industry and to what extent your company meets their expectations.
- CUSTOR’s customer survey provides you with past, present and future-oriented information about your customers and their expectations and satisfaction level.
- Through portfolio analyzes and in-depth statistical impact analyzes, we determine the loyalty and risk potentials in your customer base and show which fields of action should be prioritized for optimization measures.
- The detailed data analysis and action-oriented reporting structure enables you to make focused use of the identified optimization potential.
- The self-explanatory presentation of the results allows you to concentrate on the essentials: on their implementation in your company.
In particular, the customer survey provides you with
- expectations for a company in your industry
- customer satisfaction
- customer loyalty and its determinants
- reasons for choice
- inclination and reasons to switch provider
- repurchase and recommendation
- product usage
- advice and service (contact person, initiative, opening times, access routes, etc.)
- sources of information
- corporate image (total & sub-dimensions)
- competitive edge
- statistics / socio-demographics
The questionnaire is always designed in close cooperation with our client to provide enough room for company-specific questions.
Certain business transactions have a relatively low frequency in the customer vita and are therefore not sufficiently represented in traditional customer satisfaction surveys. In order to be able to generate well-sound statements about the impact of these business transactions on the customer experience, it is therefore necessary to interview such customers as part of an after sales survey following this business transaction. A special form is the survey at the point of sale (POS), which makes special demands on the duration of the survey and thus on the content of the questionnaire.
Even before creating customer satisfaction, companies should avoid customer dissatisfaction. For customer-oriented companies it is therefore far more important to identify the reasons for customer dissatisfaction. In addition to the classic customer survey, this is most intensively possible in a survey with ex-customers.
Online, computer-aided telephone or personal interviews.
For reasons of cost efficiency we recommend to use online interviews for data collection if possible.
The required sample size is closely related to the desired depth of analysis of individual subgroups, therefore it is always coordinated with the client individually. We recommend a minimum subset size of n = 70, as there is a considerable loss of statistical quality below this limit.
The sample is drawn from the customer base of the commissioning company. Depending on the structure of the customer base, this can be done in the form of a random or quota sample.
- methodical consultation, survey concept and project management
- questionnaire development, programming and pretest
- recruitment of the sample
- organization of fieldwork, interviewer briefing
- conducting the interviews and field control
- coding of open questions
- computer-aided data analysis
- delivery of tables in CUSTOR format
- chart report (about 30 pages) with management summary and recommendations for action
- presentation of the results in your company